What role do executive leaders play in cultivating and sustaining business relationships?

Business growth and success are highly dependent on forming positive working relationships with coworkers and clients. While client’s interactions with employees speak volumes about a company, it is often up to executive leaders to establish a solid foundation for these key interactions. Keep reading below to learn what other executives believe are key to building strong business relationships.

Chris Muktar

Chris Muktar

Chris Muktar, Founder of WikiJob.co.uk.

Four Ways to Build Business Relationships

Here are some ways to build and sustain your business relationships:

1. Pay Attention
Recognize the attitudes, beliefs, and desires that influence the individuals you need to work with.

2. Give as Much as You Hope to Receive
Effective business partnerships necessitate fairness, not a one-sided half-hearted endeavor.

3. Listen Mindfully
People react favorably to those who pay attention to what they have to say. You’ll have to talk less to understand more.

4. Learn to Appreciate
All individuals need to know that their job is valued. So, when people around you do things right, sincerely praise them.

Be the Anchor

As the founder, I stand as the anchor of the company. Doing so has given me essential roles in cultivating and sustaining business relationships. Here are some of the things I do:

I make sure to be the best communicator on behalf of my company. I should convey the intention of my company clearly and concisely to build partnerships.

In every organization, problems are common. It only means that the company is growing. As the anchor, I have to be strong and fix the issues internally and externally. Problems give new learning [opportunities] that can help the company improve and be better.

Sonya Schwartz

Sonya Schwartz

Sonya Schwartz, Founder of Her Norm.

Michelle Devani

Michelle Devani

Michelle Devani, Founder of Love Devani.

Authenticity is Key

Cultivating and sustaining business relationships is crucial for every organization. These relationships will make your business thrive and build your reputation. As a business owner myself, the best way to cultivate and sustain business relationships is to be authentic. Business relationships should be treated like personal relationships, and you should not introduce a fake identity to your partners. Being authentic can encourage more people to have a relationship with you [and your business].

Keys to Better Business Relationships

As a manager, I know that relationships within the business are essential for the growth of the company. Here are some of the executive roles in cultivating and sustaining business relationships.

Keeping in Touch
Executive leaders are the ones in charge of building bonds and connections with other people. Their role is to keep in touch and to always show interest to sustain a good relationship.

Building Trust
Trust is the foundation of every relationship. It is [an executive’s] job to gain and take care of it.

Developing Respect
[Respect] is a basic element of a relationship. Once respect is earned, you should work hard to make it last. It makes any connection stronger. It matters a lot to people, especially in higher positions, to feel respected.

Samantha Moss

Samantha Moss

Samantha Moss, Editor & Content Ambassador at Romantific.

Martin Seeley

Martin Seeley

Martin Seeley, Chief Executive Officer at MattressNextDay.

Key Leadership Traits for CEOs

As a CEO, I firmly believe that relationships are the core of one’s foundation. If every executive leader cultivates and sustains good relationships, we can successfully provide a connection to serve our community, co-workers, and other business sectors. Here are some roles they play in cultivating and sustaining business relationships:

The Provider
One of the executive leadership roles is to help someone in need. It sustains and strengthens the relationship that is eventually beneficial for both parties.

Effective communication is one of the executive leader’s areas of expertise. They used this role to reach out, promote, and encourage everyone involved.

Thinkers and Doers of the Organization
They don’t just lead, but they [take part in the] action.

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